Titan Quest Camera Mod

Camera Mod Collection contains two mods. Distance Mod gives the game a better camera angle and more zoom-in and zoom-out capabilities while Rotation Mod let’s you rotate the game camera.

You can watch the video below to see how great the difference after:

Distance Mod

In Windows, go to 'My DocumentsMy GamesTitan Quest - Immortal ThroneSaveDataSys' directory. Delete winsys.dxb and winsys.dxg in the Sys folder and any mod folder you have inside. This will unlock the increased caravan space. Play normally from the main game and enjoy. Titan Quest Immortal Throne Installation Guide with Most Popular Mods and Patches Nordic Games New Beta Patch Official Patch Fanpatch 1.17a (Bugfix Patch 1.17a) Spectre’s Patchfix for Fanpatch 1.17a Camera Mod Collection 3.2 5.1.

  1. Go to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne directory where the game installed. Open the Database directory and copy all the files that ends with .arz(database_ISOMETRIC.arz ve database_TOPDOWN.arz) from itcameramodcollectionv3.2.zip archive.
  2. Backup your original database.arz to somewhere and delete the original file in Database directory or just change its name.
  3. Choose one from the Isometric or Topdown Views and change one’s name from database_ISOMETRIC.arz or database_TOPDOWN.arz to database.arz (database_ISOMETRIC.arz is suggested)
  4. Mod is installed. Start the game.

Rotation Mod

  1. Open the itcameramodcollectionv3.2.zip and extract the ImmortalThroneRotateModv1.33.zip archive(TitanCamModIT.dll, TitanCamModIT.exe and TitanCamModIT.ini files) to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne install directory.
  2. Launch the TitanCamModIT.exe’yi from the game install directory.
  3. Every time you want to use Rotation Mod you have to start the game from TitanCamModIT.exe. This could get tedious quickly. So we will create a shortcut. Make shortcut for TitanCamModIT.exe at the desktop. Right click to .exe and select Properties. From there enter Change Icon and select the Titan Quest icon from Titan Quest Immortal Throne install directory. Now you can use launch the gam with Rotation Mod support from Desktop and with original Titan Quest icon.

Default Keyboard Shortcuts

Rotate Camera Right(decCameraYaw) = “[” (LBRACKET)

Rotate Camera Left(incCameraYaw) = “]” (RBRACKET)

Titan Quest Camera Mod

Reset Camera(resetCameraYaw) = “” (BSLASH)

Changing Default Shortucts

  1. Go to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne install directory.
  2. Open TitanCamModIT.ini and find the [Hotkeys] section.
  3. All we need is 3 values. These in their respective order are decCameraYaw(rotate camera right), incCameraYaw(rotate camera left) ve resetCameraYaw(reset the camera to its default). The numbers next to them is function numbers that does the actual work.

decCameraYaw 1001
incCameraYaw 1002
resetCameraYaw 1003

3.Now we know the function numbers, all we need to do is assign these numbers to our new keyboard shortcuts.

If you scroll a bit more below on the file you will see keyboard key names. If you don’t want to use default shortcuts which are LBRACKET, RBRACKET and BSLASH change the values next to them with 0. Then find the shortcut keys you want to use and give them 1001, 1002 and 1003 values respectively. For example i will use INSERT for right rotation, DELETE for left rotation and HOME for camera reset.

INSERT = 1001
HOME = 1003
DELETE = 1002

Changing the camera rotation speed

  1. Go to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne installation directory.
  2. Open the TitanCamModIT.ini file.
  3. Increase the CameraYawInc variable’s values.

Know Issues and Fixes

Game Slow Launch Problem Fix

If game starts slower after installing the mod, mod could have difficulties to find the game launcher.

  1. Go to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne installation directory.
  2. Open the TitanCamModIT.ini file.
  3. Increase the value of FindTimeout ve FindDelay variables.
Fix to Rotation Mod Problems with Steam
  1. Go to the Titan Quest Immortal Throne installation directory.
  2. Change the Titan Quest tqit.exe file to tqit2.exe
  3. Change the TitanCamModIT.exe file as tqit.exe
  4. Open the TitanCamModIT.ini file and find the Game = “tqit.exe” section and change it to tqit2.exe like the example below:
[Loader] Game = “tqit.exe”
Mod = “TitanCamModIT.dll”

change to this:

[Loader] Game = “tqit2.exe”
Titan Quest Camera Mod

Titan Quest Camera Model

Mod = “TitanCamModIT.dll”

Launch the game on Steam.

Titan Quest Camera Mod


Camera Mod Collection

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TitanCamMod_TQ130_v1.33.zip ( Source )

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* decCameraYaw rotates the camera clockwise
* incCameraYaw rotates the camera counterclockwise
* resetCameraYaw resets the rotation to the default amount
* To set the Insert key to decCameraYaw, change INSERT
as seen belowChange rotation speed:
* Open TitanCamMod.ini in notepad
* Locate the line CameraYawInc = 116355 (about line 37)
* Easy Way: Increase the number
* More technical way: Increase the number... with maths
* This number represents the number of radians the camera will rotate
every time they key is checked to see if it is down.
* The number itself is multiplied by 10^7, which means the real value is
0.0116355, which is around 0.67 degrees
Camera stuff:
* Lets you rotate camera
Debugging stuff:
* View (majority) of debug messages from game
* log to file
* use various in-game debugging functions
* haven't really updated since 1.20, but most works in IT

Older stuff:

TitanCamMod_v1.21.zip ( Source )

TitanCamMod_v1.1.zip ( No Source )

TitanCamMod_v1.zip ( Source )

TitanDebug_v2.1.zip ( Source )

TitanDebug_v2.zip ( Source )

TitanDebug_v1.zip ( Source )