Fallout 3 Child Mods


Years ago, Fallout fans discovered that it was possible to escape the opening area of Fallout 3 at the start of the game, thus allowing players to go through a game as a baby. It was a fun trick. Fallout Who - In the depths of the Wasteland, an alien artefact has been discovered located in the U.N.I.T Fort Osterhargen. Seemingly infinite in size, with a labyrinth of endless corridors bizarrely fitting inside an Eight foot tall Blue box and jam packed full of unearthly technology, you have been called to this place to discover what lies behind those doors. Fallout 3 Rebirth. Visually overhauls 95% of all the exterior locations making them seem less empty and more lived in before the bombs dropped and everyone started to panic, this overhaul also works on the raiders making the outposts look more like compounds and increases the number along with two raider bosses, As well as improving the super mutant camps.

This page contains the full list of PC console commands that can be used in Fallout 3. To pull up the Command Console, press the key during gameplay.

  1. Fallout 115
  2. Fallout 225
  3. Fallout: Tactics40
  4. Miscellaneous Fallout related files25
  5. Fallout 36
  6. Van Buren2
  7. Fallout: New Vegas0
  8. Wasteland 1/20

Top Resources

  1. Fallout Fixt - (Full / All fixes and mods)
    The all-in-one mod that combines fixes and mods into one easy install
  2. Fallout 2 Restoration Project (Unofficial Expansion) - Windows installer
    The RP project is a massive expansion that includes both fixes and restored/new content
  3. Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD English Patch OUTDATED
    Updated: Jun 30, 2018
  4. Falche Fallout 1 editor
    Change Fallout 1 stats, perks, skills, traits and much more
  5. MIB88 Megamod
    Updated: Jun 4, 2016

Latest Reviews

  • 1/5,

Most Active Authors

Fallout 3 Child Mods
  1. Risewild
  2. Cubik2k

View All Featured Resources

  1. MIB88 Megamod

    MIB88, Jan 27, 2016
  2. Fallout 2 Restoration Project (Unofficial Expansion) - Windows installer

    The RP project is a massive expansion that includes both fixes and restored/new content
  3. Fallout Fixt - (Full / All fixes and mods)

    The all-in-one mod that combines fixes and mods into one easy install
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Fallout 3 Child Mod
